

橄榄石型 LiFePO4(LFP)具有成本低、热稳定性高、循环稳定性好等优点,被认为是一种很有应用前景的锂离子电池正极材料。然而 LFP 的电子导电性差,锂离子扩散效率也不高,制约了其实际应用。通过表面包覆导电性好的碳材料、与导电性优异的材料复合、表面掺杂或者纳米化等途径,较好解决了LFP 的上述问题,促进了LFP的产业化应用。尽管如此,LFP 在循环过程中容量/电压衰退依然存在,对应的机理(尤其在原子尺寸)依然有待进一步地丰富。


近日,西南石油大学李星教授团队与北京大学屈可博士(物理学院高鹏研究员团队)及The University of Texas at AustinDavid Mitlin教授合作利用高角环形暗场扫描透射电子显微镜(HAADF-STEM)在原子尺寸系统考察了LFP在电化学循环过程中的容量/电压衰退机理。研究采用商品化碳包覆磷酸亚铁锂(LFP/C)作为Baseline样品,选择常见的导电性聚合物---聚吡咯(PPy)及锰(Mn)掺杂分别对商品LFP/C样品表面进一步修饰作为对比研究对象。在前期的研究工作中,研究人员发现PPy包覆LFP后可以有效提升其倍率性能,这可以较容易理解为PPy提高了LFP表面电子导电性进而提升其倍率性能,但是似乎忽略了PPy包覆提升LFP循环稳定性的解释。采用HAADF-STEM考察,首次从原子尺寸上揭示了LFP在循环过程中容量/电压衰退的机制是由于表面非晶化,出现非活性、不可逆、无定型态 FePO4而且随着循环次数的增加其还会大量增加并进一步局部延伸到LFP的体相。DFT计算表明,锂离子在FePO4中的扩散系数仅为2.5×10-22 cm2 s-1非活性、无定型态 FePO4的出现会导致LFP容量及电压衰退,而且随着循环次数的增加,这一现象会逐渐加剧。导致LFP表面非晶化的主要原因是由于电化学循环过程中六氟磷酸锂基电解液不断侵蚀及 Fe 元素的溶出。Fe元素溶出后,会迁移到负极、催化负极 SEI 的快速生长,也会导致电池极化的急剧增大(对于研究锂金属电池LFP||Li可能也会有一定启发)。PPy 原位包覆LFP后,能够与原有的碳包覆层一道形成更加致密的保护层,能够有效隔开 LFP与电解液的直接接触,从而起到有效抑制LFP在电化学循环过程的容量/电压衰退。此外,多种表征手段结合证实了Mn能够部分占据Fe的位置,形成从外到内Mn含量逐渐降低的梯度掺杂,掺杂深度为10-15nmDFT计算表明,10-15nmLiMnxFe1-xPO4LMFP)掺杂层具有更高的热稳定性,耐受电解液侵蚀,因此也能有效起到抑制LFP电化学循环过程中容量/电压衰退的作用。上述工作不仅从原子尺寸进一步丰富了LFP在电化学循环过程中的容量/电压衰退机理,对LFP的应用也有实际指导意义,即对碳包覆磷酸亚铁锂表面作进一步表面修饰(或多种表面修饰手段联合),如导电聚合物包覆或者掺杂等,形成更致密/稳定的表面保护层,可以获得电化学性能更加优异的LFP,助力其在储能或者动力电池中的更优异性能表现。



Figure 1. (a) HRTEM of the as-synthesized LFP surface. (b) HAADF-STEM micrographs of LFP surface and (c) bulk, oriented along [010] zone axis. (d) Atomic model of the Olivine structure of LFP oriented in [010] zone axis. (e)(h) Analogous TEM analysis, but for PPy-LFP. XPS high resolution spectra of Fe 2p, P 2p, C 1s and N 1s for pristine LFP (I - l) and as-synthesized PPy-LFP (m - p), respectively.


Figure 2. (a) - (b) Galvanostatic charge-discharge curves of LFP and PPy-LFP, tested for 500 cycles at 1C (170 mAh g-1) between 2.5 and 4.2 V vs. Li/Li+. (c) Cycling performance of LFP and PPy-LFP at 1C, after 3 formation cycles at C/10. (d) Master plot showing the rate capability difference in LFP vs. PPy-LFP. (e) Charge transfer and SEI impedance values obtained from fits of Nyquist Plots at different cycle. (f) Solid-state Li+ diffusivity values obtained from Warburg impedance, as a function of cycle number.


Figure 3. Atomic structure after 500 cycles at 1C. (a) HRTEM images of LFP, with regions for near-surface (b) and bulk (c) identified by rectangles. (d) EELS line scan comparison of near-surface and bulk LFP. (e) – (g) HAADF-STEM images of the PPy-LFP near-surface and bulk structure. (f) An enlarged micrograph of the PPy-LFP near-surface structure, which remains crystalline but with evidence of Li(Fe) mutual occupation. (g) Structure of bulk PPy-LFP. (h) Atomic models for Olivine structure in PPy-LFP, comparing near-surface structure (top) to bulk (bottom).


Figure 4. Lithium ion diffusion paths in (a) pristine Olivine LiFePO4, (b) amorphized FePO4 (top) and LiFePO4 (bottom). Color codes: brown = Fe, gray = P, red = O, green = Li, and purple = diffused Li.


Figures 5. SEM and XPS analysis of post 500 cycled Li metal anodes, the XPS analysis corresponding to the SEI chemistry. Panels (a) (j) show tested against LFP, panels (k)(t) show anode tested against PPy-LFP. SEM analysis shows top down images and EDX elemental mapping of O, P, F and Fe. XPS spectra shows survey, Fe 2p, F 1s, P 2p and O 1s.


Figure 6(a) - (b) HAADF-STEM micrographs of LFP surface and bulk, oriented along [010] zone axis. (c) Atomic model of the Olivine structure of LFP oriented in [010] zone axis. (d) - (f) Analogous HAADF-STEM micrographs and atomic model, but for Mn doped LFP (Mn-LFP). (g) - (k) HAADF-STEM micrograph of Mn-LFP and the corresponding EDS mapping of Fe, P, Mn and O.


Figure 7(a) - (b) High resolution XPS spectra of P 2p, Fe 2p for pristine LFP, (c) and Mn 2p for manganese acetate (Mn(CH3COO)2) in the precursor. (d) - (e) High resolution XPS spectra of P 2p, Fe 2p for pristine Mn-LFP, (c) Mn 2p for the doped Mn in the Mn-LFP surface, (g) and Mn 2p for the doped Mn in the Mn-LFP surface with different depth of 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 and 10 nm.


Figure 8(a) SEM image of the pristine Mn-LFP. (b) SEM image of the cross-section of the pristine Mn-LFP cut by the Focused Ion Beam (FIB). (c) and (d) EDS line scanning of the Fe and Mn. 


Figure 9(a) Cycling performance of the LFP and Mn-LFP cycled at 1C, after 3 formation cycles at C/10. (b) - (c) Galvanostatic charge-discharge curves of the pristine LFP and Mn-LFP, tested for 500 cycles at 1C (170 mAh g-1) between 2.5 and 4.2 V vs. Li/Li+. (d) Master plot showing the rate capability difference in the pristine LFP vs. Mn-LFP. (e) - (f) Nyquist plots of the LFP (e) and Mn-LFP (f) after the 1st, 50th, 100th, 200th, 300th, 400th and 500th cycle at 1C rate, respectively. The impedance spectra were collected at the charged state of 4.0 V.


上述工作首次从原子尺寸揭示了LFP在循环过程中容量/电压衰退的机理是由于表面非晶化,出现非活性、不可逆、无定型态 FePO4。非活性、不可逆、无定型态 FePO4的出现会导致LFP容量及电压衰退,而且随着循环次数的增加,这一现象会逐渐加剧。PPy 原位包覆LFP后,能够与原有的碳包覆层一道形成更加致密的保护层,能够有效隔开 LFP与电解液的直接接触,从而起到有效抑制LFP在电化学循环过程的容量/电压衰退。此外,多种表征手段结合证实了Mn能够部分占据Fe的位置,形成从外到内Mn含量逐渐降低的10-15nm深度梯度掺杂层---LiMnxFe1-xPO4(LMFP),该掺杂层具有更高的热稳定性,耐受电解液侵蚀,因此也能有效起到抑制LFP电化学循环过程中容量/电压衰退的作用。上述工作以First Atomic - Scale Insight on Degradation in Lithium Iron Phosphate Cathodes by Transmission Electron Microscopy为题,在线发表在Journal of Physical Chemistry LettersDOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.0c00317;以“Atomic Scale Insight on the Fundamental Mechanism of Mn Doped LiFePO4为题,在线发表在Sustainable Energy & FuelsDOI: 10.1039/D0SE00312C。上述工作的实验部分主要由硕士研究生蒋飞开展。上述工作的DFT计算部分主要由北京科技大学及北京计算科学研究中心的陈明阳研究员完成。该工作获得了四川省杰出青年基金(2017JQ0044)及成都市国际科技合作重点项目(2019-GH02-00052-HZ)的资助。



