诺奖得主Andre Geim专访丨如何让科研更有趣?(TBSI联合访谈)

在2017深圳国际石墨烯高峰论坛期间,材料人与清华-伯克利深圳学院(微信号: tbsi2014)对诺奖得主Ander Geim教授进行了联合访谈。

Ander Geim教授于2010年因发现石墨烯获得诺贝尔物理学奖,然后石墨烯迅速成为物理学和材料科学的热门话题。在连续四届深圳国际石墨烯高峰论坛期间,Ander Geim都作为嘉宾出席并做主题报告,以下为访谈视频、主要英文内容和翻译。


Andre Geim:

You know, first there was graphene, and then after graphene has become so popular, people including myself already in 2005, one year after the Nobel Prize acknowledge paper, we published papers claiming that graphene is not alone. It has many sisters, brothers, cousins, and whatever distance relatives. So, as I said, we call this conference "Graphene", but graphene doesn't mean any more graphene itself. It's a shorthand for all other 2-dimensional materials. 

And in addition, what happened during the last three years is, you can combine those materials, like a deck of cards, you can combine them in making new materials, which are impossible in nature. And we can make them in the lot. At a moment, industrial interest is focusing on graphene, because it has been the first. And in addition, companies are making money out of graphene. So there are not enough industrialists or entrepreneurs on this planet, even to try yet, what other 2-dimensional materials can deliver. And hetero-structures which I mentioned, currently is the subject of fundamental research. 

What we can learn from this one, at the moment is that there are at least, ten, twenty years in future before we can start doing anything about this one. But this is the nature of science, it's not like a computer program, you wrote a smart codes, and in two, three years, you have become a multi-billionaire. In real world, behind dotcom world, it always takes a long time, 20, 30, 50 years, before a fundamental discovery brings consumer products. 

But in case of graphene, it's happening really fast. No one, 10 years ago, saw that today there would be hundreds of companies around the world making money out of graphene. It's incredibly quick. Probably because graphene unlike other discoveries, delivers a lot and it is very versatile material.

You are the man who has two Nobel Prizes. One is IgNobel Prize, and one is the Nobel one. So how do you turn the boring scientific research into a fun thing to do?
Andre Geim:

This reminds me, just what I've said, I was sitting with a colleague, another scientist who came from the US, a very distinguished scientist. And he asked me the question.

“I looked through your talk, and what's the connection between the first part of the talk and the second part of the talk? They seem to be completely different subjects.”

And I replied "the connection is myself". I try to make research interesting to venture, into areas where I was not an expert a few years ago. So if you dig in the same place, it's very hard to compete. In graphene there are so many people involved, it's very hard to compete, even for myself. 

But if you go somewhere outside, there are still places where you'll find first time discovery, first time phenomena. And it's kind of hard, psychologically to learn a new subject, but my brain is not dead yet, I'd like to keep myself as agile as the students who have their brain trying to make life lasting experience of learning new things. So, that's interesting, because you don't want to get bored all the time doing the same thing, like manual worker on the factory doing the same stuff. If you focus on the same subject, in a sense it's easy to do, but then you are routine. And I don't want routine.

(图为Andre Geim教授在2017深圳国际石墨烯高峰论坛上发言)

Back to the day, when you put the frog and water into the strong magnetic field, have you ever worried about potential damages to the instruments?
Andre Geim:

Of course, your installed scientific equipment is important, is expensive, and you don't try to damage any equipment during those experiments. So this was a kind of experiment, which started with a very simple question, similar question I'm trying to answer, still these days, what happens with water if it's put into very high magnetic fields?

There is a phenomena, no-magnet water, people say, if you put a small magnet next to your water tap, there would be no scale on your kettle, and there would be no scale on your hot water pipe. So magnetic field removes the scale. This is people's claim, you can buy those descaling devices in households, goods shops, etc. No one still knows how it works, even whether it works. So, it was an attempt to answer this question, a scientific question. Whether something special there is about water? If you tried small fields and they work, then you're obviously asking whether this phenomena becomes more pronounced in high magnetic field.

So I try to answer a question, "what happens with water in high magnetic field?" And then I found it unexpectedly for myself and my professional colleagues that water levitates, and then after that it has become fun, what else can levitate? You can put vegetables, strawberries, tomatoes, piece of sugar, anything, what you want, in water it levitates, so eventually I put a frog and a hamster inside magnetic field, and it works as well.

What's your impression on Shenzhen this time? 
Andre Geim:

This time for the first time, I have a glimpse of your city, which is a looking as impressive now as Hong Kong, with all skyscrapers and etc. And of course, I know that it's one of the fastest growing areas in China, in terms of economic output and so on.  So it's probably not the last time I'm visiting Shenzhen, maybe one day I'll go to your city center to business center and industrial district and see a little bit more of your beautiful city. I like the climate actually of this city. Because it's similar to the climate where I was born. It's also warm and humid climate which I got used to. I was born in Sochi Black Sea coast Mediterranean kind of climate. So the climate is good. So you can expect me to come a few more times to this city, maybe as often as once a year. 


Andre Geim:





Andre Geim:





Andre Geim:




Andre Geim:


